Chloé Clavel

Senior Researcher (Directrice de recherche) INRIA Paris


I am a Senior Researcher in the ALMAnaCH team at INRIA Paris (the French national research institute for digital science and technology). Until October 2023, I was a Professor of Affective Computing at LTCI, Telecom-Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, where I coordinated the Social Computing team. My research interests are in the areas of Affective Computing and Artificial Intelligence that lie at the crossroads of multiple disciplines including, speech and natural language processing, machine learning, and social robotics. I study computational models of socio-emotional behaviors (e.g., sentiments, social stances, engagement, trust) in interactions be it human-human interactions (social networks, job interviews) or human-agent interactions (conversational agents, social robots).

I am motivated by application areas such as health and education, where research in affective computing and artificial intelligence is dedicated to empowering people and improving their quality of life.

My research is/has been supported by projects funded by prestigious and competitive grants such as the H2020 ITN ANIMATAS project (Advancing intuitive human-machine interaction with human-like social capabilities for education in schools), or the National French Project (ANR) – SINNet (Socio-Inspired Neural Networks).

Keywords: Sentiment analysis, Emotion recognition in speech, Human-machine interaction, Embodied Conversational Agents, Socio-affective behavior multimodal modeling, Social Robotics.

Main research contributions : 

— Collection, annotations, and spontaneous speech processing (disfluency detection) of in-the-wild corpora (e.g. job interviews, human-robot interactions)

— Data/label efficient socio-emotional models: reasoning models, hybrid approaches, data augmentation and meta-learning

— Explainability and interpretability of socio-emotional models

For more details, here are slides describing my recent research.

The press talking about my research : 

In English: Robots teaching assistant

In French:

Journal So Good (06/12/2024) – IA – Bien dans ses Bots

Journal Les échos (25/06/2024)  –Intelligence artificielle : la guerre des données

Journal Le Monde (17/06/2024) –Faut-il s’inquiéter des « hallucinations » des IA comme ChatGPT ou Gemini ?

Interviewed during the France Inter program La tech la première (28 November 2024)

Invited at the France Culture program: « Les matins » – 3 April 2023

Invited at the France Culture program: « CQFD » – 9 February 2023;

Invited at the France Culture program: « Le Meilleur des Mondes » – 20 January 2023

Journal Le Monde  – December 2022

France Culture program : « La méthode scientifique » – reportage on the research I am conducting with sociologists on the analysis of user engagement in human-robot interactions – 1 May 2019

Invited at the France Culture program : « La méthode scientifique » – 21 march 2018


Office B023
48 rue Barrault 75013 Paris
tel: +33 1 80 49 44 53

Website updated in January 2025