Keynote speaker at the Workshop ACE 2024 of the IVA conference in Glasgow- Multimodal analysis of the socio-emotional layer in interactions- Or how to replicate a subjective perception process?
Invited speaker at « Amphi 21 » Science Po (30 November 2023). Nouveaux outils, nouveaux usages. Quels enjeux pour une intelligence artificielle transparente et responsable ?(New tools, new uses. What are the challenges for transparent and responsible artificial intelligence?). Science Po is an international research university, ranking among the finest institutions in the fields of humanities and social sciences. Created in 1997, the Amphis 21 is a series of conferences held each year in autumn and spring to promote dialogue between different areas of knowledge.
Keynote speaker at SSW workshop (satellite event of Interspeech) (28 August 2023)
Interviewed at the French National Assembly as part of a mission on generative artificial intelligence, to analyse the challenges it poses, particularly with regard to the protection of personal data and the use of the content produced. (July 2023)
Invited at the France Culture program: « Les matins » – 3 April 2023
Invited at the France Culture program: « CQFD » – 9 February 2023;
Natural Language Processing, Machine learning for Social Computing – talk at MENHIR Summer School (October 2020)
France Culture program : « La méthode scientifique » – reportage on the research I am conducting with sociologists on the analysis of user engagement in human-robot interactions – 1 May 2019
Natural Language Processing for social computing : from opinion mining to human-agent interaction – Invited Speaker at PASANEDA Workshop, February, 15 2019
Invited at the France Culture program : « La méthode scientifique » – 21 march 2018
From Computational linguistics to human-agent interaction : towards socially believable agents. Invited talk at workshop Linguistique et Big Data organized by LIMSI-CNRS and MSH (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme) Paris Saclay (30 november 2017)
Applications of Machine Learning in Social Computing – talk at LTCI research day (september 2017)
NLP in user experience – invited speaker in the round table at SITAL 2017
Automatic analysis of the applicant during video interview : which scientific approach ? Invited talk at Viva Technology OpenHR Lab (june 2017)
Sentiment analysis in human-agent interaction.Invited talk at Workshop on Constructions, Grammaire, Lexique et Cognition Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Emotion Studies in Linguistics (13 November 2015)
Invited at the final panel discussion at ESSEM@AAMAS 2015: Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media: opportunities and challenges for emotion-aware multi agent systems
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining: from data mining to human-machine interactions. Invited Speech on theWorkshop on Statistics at EDF R&D, November 2013