Chloé Clavel

Senior Researcher (Directrice de recherche) INRIA Paris


Current positions

PhD position on automatic analysis of conversations for education applications (if you are looking for a post-doc on similar topic, do not hesitate to contact me). 

Previous positions (closed)

Poste de Maître de conférences à Telecom-Paris/Faculty position (Associate professor, tenure position) at Telecom Paris: Machine Learning for Social Computing

PhD/Post-doc position – Deep learning approaches for Social Computing

Internship position — Studying text representations of spontaneous speech transcripts in different speaking contexts

Internship position : Multi-label prediction of social skills in job interview videos by recurrent neural networks

Internship position : Multimodal fusion with attention models for detecting decreased engagement in human-robot interactions

Post-doctoral positions at Telecom-ParisTech on Deep learning approaches for social computing in human-agent interactions

ANR JCJC MOAI project : Phd position on opinion analysis in interactions (starting date : between now and end of september 2018, it’s possible to start the Phd with a master internship)

ANIMATAS H2020 European Training Network : Phd position on  Disfluencies and teaching strategies in social interactions between a pedagogical agent and a student (Starting date March 2017 )

Associate Professor Position in Social and Affective Computing at Telecom-ParisTech deadline : the 16th of May !

Post-doc à Paris et Saclay : Apprentissage semi-supervisé et apprentissage profond pour une mesure de l’expérience émotionnelle du client dans les interactions orales (Starting date end of 2017)